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Business Roundtable Congratulates President-Elect & New Congress

Washington — Business Roundtable President John Engler issued the following statement on the newly elected President of the United States and members of Congress:

“Business Roundtable congratulates Donald Trump on his election to be the 45th President of the United States and the newly elected members of Congress.

“Business leaders are eager to begin working with the new Administration and incoming Congressional leadership to accelerate economic growth and spur job creation.

“In his speech last night, President-elect Trump identified priorities to make it possible that ‘Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or full potential.’

“To do so, he set a goal of doubling U.S. economic growth. We share that goal and will work with the Trump administration and Congress to help attain it.

“President-elect Trump has embraced rebuilding America’s infrastructure, fundamentally reforming the anti-growth U.S. tax structure, and bringing common sense to federal regulation.

“These are key pro-growth policies, critical to new innovation and investment. America’s business leaders fully support these priorities.

“Business leaders are ready to do our part, joining with others, to strengthen America’s economy and create more and better jobs. When we work together, everyone — our workers and families, our communities and our country — can succeed.”

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