Business Roundtable Statement on Signing of Phase One Trade Agreement Between U.S. and China
January 15, 2020
Washington – Business Roundtable today released the following statement regarding the signing of the U.S.-China Phase One trade agreement:
“Business Roundtable commends the Administration for completing a Phase One trade agreement with China that begins to level the playing field for American workers and businesses, removes some tariffs and allows for increased trade between both countries. The agreement’s intellectual property protection, forced technology transfer, agriculture and investment provisions start to address significant structural issues in China.
“Business Roundtable supports the Administration continuing regular consultations with their Chinese counterparts to implement commitments and resolve issues. We encourage moving Phase Two negotiations forward expeditiously to achieve additional structural reforms in China and remove remaining tariffs and other barriers to trade. We encourage the U.S. to work with our allies to strengthen and expand its reform efforts.
“The CEO members of Business Roundtable will monitor closely the implementation of this Phase One agreement and assist with future phases of negotiations to address further unfair trade and investment practices.”