Business Roundtable Congratulates President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris
Washington - After the decision of major news organizations to call the presidential election, Business Roundtable released the following statement:
“Business Roundtable congratulates President-elect Biden on his election as 46th President of the United States. We also congratulate Vice President-elect Harris on her historic accomplishment as the first woman, Black woman and person of South Asian descent to be elected Vice President of the United States. We extend our congratulations to the re-elected and newly-elected members of Congress, governors and other state and local officials. We look forward to working with the incoming Biden Administration and all federal and state policymakers.
“Business Roundtable commends President Trump for a hard-fought campaign that has garnered over 70 million votes. We know the outcome is disappointing to his millions of supporters. While we respect the Trump campaign’s right to seek recounts, to call for investigation of alleged voting irregularities where evidence exists and to exhaust legitimate legal remedies, there is no indication that any of these would change the outcome.
“Business Roundtable applauds the historic number of Americans who participated in this election. We thank the election officials, judges and volunteers who worked tirelessly in the midst of a pandemic to ensure that the election was conducted with integrity. We believe that all Americans can have utmost confidence that the outcome reflects the will of the American people.
“In the days ahead, it is critical that we move forward together to strengthen our country. As we enter another period of closely divided government, we call on elected officials and Americans across the political spectrum to work in good faith to find common ground. Our country faces great challenges in the months ahead to defeat the pandemic and rebuild our economy. We will meet them only by working together.”