Overlapping Agency Jurisdiction

August 27th, 2018

Federal regulations play a crucial role in ensuring that the products we consume are safe; the environment in which we live is clean; and the markets we depend on are fair, transparent and competitive. Business Roundtable recognizes that a sound federal regulatory system is critical to protect American consumers and strongly supports this important policy goal.

Almost every U.S. President since Herbert Hoover, including Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, has recognized such challenges and taken steps to improve regulatory efficiency and effectiveness, testifying to the bipartisan nature of this issue.

Legislative action to clarify the jurisdictions of various federal agencies is often the most effective and lasting intervention, but additional executive action can help address the problem. To that end, Business Roundtable encourages the President and federal agencies to identify instances of overlap across the U.S. regulatory framework and employ the procedural measures laid out in "Reducing Regulatory Overlap in the 21st Century" to efficiently and effectively address that overlap.

This new direction, which can be accomplished through an executive order or a Presidential memorandum, should also be applied in a forward-looking manner to avoid new instances of overlap that may arise as U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs continue to innovate using the latest technologies. Anticipating the potential for regulatory overlap in emerging industries and taking steps to avoid it will help ensure that U.S. businesses continue to serve as global leaders in innovation — which, in turn, will drive sustainable, long-term economic growth that benefits all Americans.

The imperative to improve regulatory efficiency is clear: The President, Congress and federal regulators should work together to build a 21st century regulatory system that encourages investment, innovation and growth; minimizes overlap; and preserves a healthy, clean and safe America.
